School System Profile
The Bremen City School System is an independent city system and 1 of only 21 city school districts in the State of Georgia. Established in 1893, the Bremen school system has an immensely rich tradition of excellence. At its core, the foundation of the school system is the community of Bremen. Throughout its history, the community has repeatedly elected Board of Education members who truly serve in the best interest of the students and school system. Continuity is an important part of the Board's success. Through the years, the Boards of Education have selected Superintendents who invest their professional and personal lives into the school system and town. In fact, including the current Superintendent, there have only been 7 Superintendents since 1945. There is a high level of relational trust between the community, the Board of Education members, and the faculty and staff.
Bremen City Schools serve the students of Bremen, a small town of approximately 6,600 residents. According to the 2020 Census, the racial composition within the city is 88% Caucasian, 9% African-American, and 3% representing other racial identities. The median family income is $57,120 annually. The city of Bremen is largely residential. Once largely dependent upon the textile and clothing industry, Bremen has transformed into a bedroom community. The school system is one of the largest employers within the city of Bremen. There are 264 people employed by the school system. The gender composition among employees is 81% female and 19% male. Racial composition is 98% Caucasian and 2% African-American. Among certified staff, 34 people have a 4 year degree, 69 have a Master's degree, 57 have Specialist certification, and 7 have a Doctorate degree. There is one elementary school that serves grades Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade (735 students), one 4th and 5th grade Academy (330 students), which shares a facility with one middle school (542 students). In addition, there is one high school (737 students). The current free/reduced lunch rate for the school system is 16%. Student enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is 2,343 students with a racial composition of approximately 89% Caucasian, 5% African American, and 6% representing other racial identities. Also, 27% of the student population lives outside the city of Bremen and pays tuition to attend. Since the first District Accreditation visit in 2006, student enrollment has increased from 1,776 to 2,343.
Bremen students perform well in relation to area and state comparisons in most all achievement
measures. Almost without exception, on average, the Bremen students well exceed State averages in every subject and grade on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. Regarding Georgia's accountability measure, the CCRPI (College and Career Ready Performance Index), the numerical scores of each school have been repeatedly among some of the highest in the state. Although very proud of collective achievements, the school system fully recognizes the true measure of success is the individual growth of each student. Continuous improvement is emphasized and will continue to be so until every Bremen student shows high growth in every area. The purpose statement for the school system is "excellence in all we do". More than an accomplishment, it's a challenge to the entire Bremen family to continually work and reach toward excellence in everything.
As a means of continuous improvement, the school system chose in 2015 to enter into contract with the State Department of Education under the SWSS (Strategic Waivers School System) accountability/flexibility model. Through a collective effort, the goals and accountability measures were selected with an emphasis on continually improving the CCRPI score of each school. The explicit goal is to increase the CCRPI score by 3% each year from the baseline year of 2015-2016 at each school. In return for specifying accountability goals, the State allowed widespread flexibility of Title 20 (Georgia law which governs education) and state board of education rules. This higher level of autonomy enables the school system to structure its educational programs around what is truly in the best interest of Bremen students and the community.
The rapid student population growth is the most dramatic change the school system has faced. Teachers have been added to ensure classroom size does not exceed what is manageable on a daily basis. The growth primarily has come from within the city as new home construction has been increasing. With 27% of the student population being non-resident, there is concern that uncontrollable growth will inevitably lead to a decrease in the number of non-resident students. The ability to add teachers is not as much of a concern as the financial capability to build more classrooms. With existing long term bond indebtedness, viable solutions are scarce.
Despite challenges ahead, there is abundant faith and trust in the school system and community that any challenge will be met with solutions. Through the years, the school system has remained a beacon of light for the city of Bremen, and that will continue long into the future as long as the collective focus remains on making decisions always in the best interest of the students.