Silas Brown

501 Pacific Avenue
Bremen, GA 30110
Phone - 770-537-5508
Fax - 770-537-0610

Bremen City Schools currently provides special services for approximately 250 students in preschool through 12th grade with a curriculum designed to develop academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and independence skills for active participation in the community. If possible, students receive these services in their neighborhood schools and in the regular classroom, when appropriate, as mandated by federal and state law. Instructional services for students with special needs are guided by the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

A continuum of services is offered for students identified as eligible under State of Georgia Regulations for special education. The Georgia State Rules include intellectual disability, specific learning disability, emotional/behavior disorder, speech/language impairment, visual impairment, hearing impairment, autism, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, significant developmental delay, traumatic brain injury, and deaf/blind as areas of eligibility for special services.

Services are provided in a variety of settings including regular education classes, inclusion, co-taught, and resource classes. Services may also be provided in hospital/homebound settings. At the high school level, work-study programs give students the opportunity to gain real-life work experience in a supervised setting. When appropriate, community-based instruction is utilized so that students may apply skills they have learned in the classroom to actual situations.

To ensure each student reaches his or her full potential, goals and objectives are developed with instruction taking place in an appropriate classroom setting in the least restrictive environment, as defined by state and federal law.

Special Education Services & Support Goals

Improvement Plan for Continuous Improvement Monitoring

  • Goal 1: Increase the percentage of “Highly Qualified” personnel who teach students with disabilities.

  • Goal 2: Decrease the gap between students with and without disabilities on statewide achievement measures. 

  • Goal 3: Increase the percentage of time that students with disabilities receive instruction in the general education setting. 

  • Goal 4: Decrease the disproportionate number of minority students in the system’s population of students with disabilities. 

  • Goal 5: Increase the number of students with disabilities who exit with a regular education diploma. 

Child Find Services

In accordance with federal regulations, Bremen City Schools assumes responsibility for the location, identification, and evaluation of all children from 3 through age 21 who require special education and related services.  All children who are suspected of having a disability and who are in need of special education are part of the child-find process in our district. 

For further information, please click here.