BCS STEAM Night is TONIGHT! Make plans to join us for an evening of interactive learning and fun! Parents, we have a session just for you! ! AI through the Parent's Eyes: Join us as we discuss modern artificial intelligence tools, focusing on how they impact student learning. We'll cover what generative AI is, its common uses in education, and important considerations for parents guiding their children's AI use. You'll see some practical examples with time to ask your specific questions at the end. We want to help you make informed decisions about AI in your children's academic lives.
about 2 months ago, Zoe Evans
Thank you to the BHS Competition Cheerleaders for helping greet our kids.
about 2 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Thank you Comp Cheer
Bremen City Schools will operate on a normal schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Our team will closely monitor weather conditions overnight, and any updates will be shared promptly if the forecast changes. Thank you for your attention, and stay safe!
about 2 months ago, Bremen City Schools
See you tomorrow!
Jones Elementary will celebrate the 100th Day of School on Jan 23rd and the 101st day on Jan 24th.
about 2 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Change of Date
BCS STEAM Night is THIS WEEK! Make plans to join us for an evening of interactive learning and fun! Thursday, January 23 Bremen High School 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
about 2 months ago, Zoe Evans
2025 Bremen STEAM Night Flyer
BCS STEAM Night is THIS WEEK! Make plans to join us for an evening of interactive and engaging activities! Thursday, January 23 Bremen High School 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
about 2 months ago, Zoe Evans
BCS STEAM Night Flyer
Congratulations to our JES Carroll EMC Bright Ideas Grant Winners, and special thanks to Carroll EMC for supporting our teachers and students through this program! #brightideas #BeCC #CarrollEMC
about 2 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Grant Winner
Grant Winner
Grant Winner
Grant Winner
Attention Parents, Students, and Staff: Due to the Winter Weather Advisory in effect for our area, predicting snow accumulations of up to two inches and hazardous road conditions, all schools in our district will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. This day will be considered a virtual learning day for students and teachers. Extended contract staff are expected to report at 8:00 a.m., weather and road conditions permitting. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. We appreciate your understanding!
about 2 months ago, Bremen City Schools
WW 01
WW 02
A big thank you to our JES PTO partners and the BCS Facilities Department for their outstanding collaboration in upgrading our playgrounds and Patterson's Park. Your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated and will provide lasting enjoyment for our community! #weareblue #GoBigBlue
about 2 months ago, Jones Elementary
The last day to order a personalized yearbook is January 31. Visit jostens.com or scan the QR code below.
about 2 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Congratulations to our December Character Stars who demonstrated the character trait SERVICE!
about 2 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Character Stars
Character Stars
Character Stars
Character Stars
Character Stars
Character Stars
The forecast calls for all your smiling faces to return tomorrow! Bremen City Schools will be open for normal operations on Monday, January 13, 2025. #BremenBlueDevils #SnowDaysAreFun
2 months ago, Bremen City Schools
School is Back
Menu Change for Thursday and Friday
2 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Menu Change
Early Release at 11:15. All students will be dismissed on Lakeview Dr (by lunchroom).
3 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Early Release 12/19
See Santa and his elves at the CCC!
3 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Don't forget to visit the Festival of Trees and place your bid before the end of the evening! Location: Hamilton-McPherson Fine Arts Center Dates: December 3-16, 2024
3 months ago, Jones Elementary
Festival of Trees
💙 Participate in our Angel Tree Program and Adopt a Blue Devil Scholarship today! #AdoptABlueDevil #GoBigBlue #CommunitySupport #weareblue #MakeADifference
3 months ago, Jones Elementary
Angel Tree
See the many trees our students and those around the community created at the Hamilton-McPherson Fine Arts Center! You may place bids on any tree you like beginning on December 3rd. All bidding will end on December 16th at 6:00. You do not have to be present to win. All winners who are not present will receive a phone call. #GoBigBlue #WeAreBlue
3 months ago, Jones Elementary
Festival of Trees
Congratulations to this month's Character Stars. Click the link to view our GENEROUS Blue Devils: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aXnzLOxUyzQyNyBgq4YL2ws_thvIgT2l?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Jones Elementary School
Character Stars
A message about Candy Cane Lane from the JES PTO: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 🎁Our annual PTO Candy Cane Lane Holiday Shop is December 9th-13th. Flyers and shopping lists went home last week. Please turn in your money and shopping lists ASAP; the sooner the better! 🟢All items are $3 each; students will shop on their designated day for however many people they like. 🔴PLEASE TURN LISTS IN ON TIME! They are due Dec 6th. 🟢 Be sure to indicate if your student needs to purchase more than one item for anyone on their list or if your student is purchasing an item for himself or herself. 🔴 Writing ages next to young siblings/cousins/friends names is very helpful, so we can guide students to choose age-appropriate items. 🟢We write THOUSANDS of gift tags, so feel free to send tags already filled out with your lists! Email the PTO with any questions: jonespto1@gmail.com. It’s going to be another exciting event for our JES students!🎄🎁
4 months ago, Jones Elementary School