October is National Principals Month. Please join us in thanking our principals for all of their hard work and incredible dedication!
Today we spotlight JES Principal, Dr. Lindsey Long💙
#NationalPrincipalsMonth #ThankYouPrincipals

The Book Fair is coming! Please visit with your child on the afternoon of 10/24 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Here is the link to volunteer: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/candylandbookfair

2024 Coats for Kids Information

Don't forget to purchase your yearbook!

Demand is still high! At the end of the 2023-24 school year, 3,155 kids were still on the waitlist for #GaPreK. One of the many reasons we support #GaPreKWeek.

Research has proven that early childhood experiences and education shape the brain. One of the many reasons that quality early learning is essential for young children #GaPreKWeek

Quality early learning for young children improves third-grade reading proficiency and increases high school graduation rates. One of the many reasons we support #GaPreKWeek

Children in #GaPreK show significant growth in math, literacy & social-emotional skills regardless of income. #GaPreKWeek

#GaPreK has grown! It started as a pilot program in 1992 serving 750 children and now serves more than 71,000 children annually. #GaPreKWeek

Join us from October 7 – 11 as we celebrate quality early learning during #GaPreKWeek! Send your favorite JES PreK photos to jes.mediacenter@bremencs.com.

ROCK OUT with the Blue Devils!

Holiday Assistance Information will be sent home on October 18th.

Just a couple more wake-ups and then a well-deserved Fall Break🍂
Finish this week strong, Blue Devils! 💙
#ExcellenceInAllWeDo #GoBlue

Congratulations to our September Character Stars!

October Menus

Parents, please review the JES Family Newsletter for next week (9/30/24).

Good morning, JES Families!
Our after-school program will be available today (Thursday, 9/26/24)!
Please call the office (770-537-4352) to make a transportation change.
In an abundance of caution, we will not have school at JES tomorrow (Friday, 9/27), and students will have work to complete that will be sent home today.

BCS will conduct normal operations on Thurs, Sept 26th. No outdoor extracurricular activities or competitions will be held.
Due to impending wind, rain, flooding, and power outages predicted in our area, Friday, Sept 27th, will be a virtual learning day for students and staff.

Save the Date for our Candy Land Book Fair
Oct 24 - 31
Visit the Link to Volunteer

Introducing our very first Blue Devil Fan of the Week - K.J.