Introducing our very first Blue Devil Fan of the Week - K.J.

Click the link below for Pink Out pictures:

Do you have a sporty kid? Are they ready for some skill-specific training? Then, hurry! Don't wait! Sign them up for our baseball, softball, or soccer classes so they can get ahead of the game and impress on the field. Your child will benefit from training with current and past college athletes during our After-School Programs. Contact us today at bcs.afterschool@bremencs.com for more information, as sessions begin in October!

Parents, please review the JES Family Newsletter for next week (9/23/24) 💙💙💙

Wear your best PINK tomorrow for our Blue Devil PINK OUT!

Does your child love baseball and or soccer? Are you interested in exposing your child to a new sport? Do you want your child to gain more experience and skill training for either of these sports? Then check out our After School Program's new Enrichment classes for October. Spread the word to your friends! Enrichment is open to all JES students.

Congratulations to Mrs. Hall's Kindergarten Class from the Bremen Education Foundation.


Our kindergarten classes have been learning about community helpers. Today they had a special visit from two community helpers during storytime.

Today we remember and honor the innocent victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Get ready, it's time for DEVIL DIVA NIGHT! September 19th!
Parents have a night out while your future Bremen cheerleaders play games, crafts, learn cheers, and dance all in one night!! Then, Friday night, September 20th, perform with your favorite Bremen High School cheerleader pregame on the field!!! 💕Click the link below, complete the Google information form, and pay the $50 before the September 11th deadline to receive a Devil Diva Pink Out shirt!! We are so excited to announce we have it all digital and easy online pay! Link is on the Google form!💙💕 You may also send cash or check to the school.

Click below to view Homecoming pictures throughout the week.


Bremen Family Park Tennis Courts Update

Crank up your Jeeps and ride for a great cause this Saturday!

Come on, Blue Devil Nation! Let's support kids in our community by supporting this fantastic cause!

The BEST of the BEST 2024 - Reader's Choice Winners
Elementary Teacher - Julie Overton- JES
Middle School Teacher - John Smith- BMS
High School Teacher - Mickey Harper- BHS
Congratulations to our Bremen City Schools Teachers!

Small Town USA Spirit Day is this Thursday!