Welcome to JES and the Blue Devil family, Mary Kathryn Lambert!

Bremen BOE Approves FY25 Consolidated Budget

New to Bremen? Check out our website for enrollment info:

Ms. Robinson’s and Miss Laughlin’s Math students earned a t-shirt to celebrate learning all their multiplication facts this year. WAY TO GO!

Congratulations to JES and Mrs. Tricia Costley!

These students have been patient all year, but now it's their time to SHINE! Congrats to our patient stars! Click the link for all the pictures

Extra Hours Added to the BOGO Book Fair

Happy School Nurse's Day to our favorite nurse - Debbie Robinson!

This is Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10, 2024
Please take a moment to share your appreciation and gratitude for our amazing teachers.

The 42nd Annual Haralson County Wildlife Association Kid’s Trout Fishing Rodeo will be held this Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Smith Farms at 2587 Corinth Poseyville Road, just east of Buchanan. The event is for children up to 15, Senior Citizens 65 and older, and handicapped persons. There is no admission fee. Drawings for prizes will be held throughout the day. There will be hot dogs and drinks available at no charge. For more information, call (770) 646-3875 or (770) 500-2608.

Thank you to our amazing cafeteria ladies!

The Kindergarten Lemonade Stand was a huge success! We are thankful for the support!

Lemonade Stand Day 1 was AWESOME!
Don't forget you can join us again tomorrow from 9:30 - 10:30 and 12:00 - 1:00.

Stop by the K-1 building to support our Kindergarten's lemonade stand!

JES is thankful for our incredible Mr. Brown!

Come out and support the Kindergarten Community Lemonade Stand, May 2 and 3

This Sunday is the 6th annual Empty Bowls at BHS. Use the QR Code below to purchase your tickets.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Long as she joins our school community. This meet and greet provides a wonderful opportunity for students, parents, faculty, and community members to meet our new principal. Spread the word, and let's make Dr. Long feel right at home! Go Blue!

Please give a great big Blue Devil Welcome to Dr. Lindsey Long!